Railas Attorneys Ltd at your service for your business needs

We may assist you in contractual matters related to trade, logistics, insurance and financial sectors, as well as with the legal issues of e-business. We will guide your way in the jungle of the regulatory and help you with the management of your relations with the government and the authorities. We are also active in dispute resolution. Our operations are based on decades of professional experience. We can bring added value for your cause and, if necessary, we co-operate with other service providers to achieve the best result. Our offices are located in Kamppi, Helsinki.

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Lauri Railas

The founder of the firm, Dr. Lauri Railas, has a multi-dimensional experience from both private and public sectors including international organizations.

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Law firm

Railas Attorneys Ltd. is a member of the Finnish Bar Association which supervises its members. Dr. Lauri Railas has contributed to the work of the Bar Association for years.

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Training activities

Dr. Railas holds a title of Docent at the University of Helsinki and has taught in several universities in Finland and abroad. He is a regular contributor of conferences organized by international organizations in a number of countries and holds training sessions especially in international trade law in local chambers of commerce and companies. We can tailor a program for your needs.

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